Make A Difference!

Make A Difference!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Success - Progression in Moderation

I am very excited to say that our tabling dates have been very successful, and we have found so many more people interested that had no idea we were even on campus. Granted we are still a new organization, I feel that our group is growing at a healthy rate! Our last meeting we had three more people join and check it out! Two of them were from other organizations, so we could bounce ideas off each other on what is best for our campus chapter. Right now our group is just trying to get our name out there. We have done a few informational events, but next semester we will be becoming more involved into the community and around campus! 

Also, I would like to add that I am very excited for the DC Summit this summer July 19th-23th! I got the scholarship with CUFI on Campus and only had to pay 35 dollars to go! This will be an experience of a lifetime!! I will be learning more about how to spread the word on my campus with my chapter. I will learn more about the Biblical reasoning to support Israel. I will definitely be bringing a huge notepad and taking notes the whole time! I think of this as a educational trip not a tour. Of course, we will get to tour some places in Washington DC, but I am going more for the information than anything! If you have the chance to go to DC in July, then I fully encourage you to check this summit out!! It will be an experience you cannot find anywhere else. I am very excited to meet all the other campus chapter members from around the United States! 

I apologize that I have not posted lately. I have been very busy with my chapter and this semester coming close to an end with projects and crazy assignments. Do not worry; this summer I will be 100 percent dedicated to this website and researching more about Israel and its trials today! 

If you want to know more about this summit in DC this summer just click here and check it out!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Yay, OFFICIAL Pages!

I am extremely happy to have officially made a facebook group and like page for CUFI at MTSU. I feel like this is a step forward to growing our group and exposing our beliefs. Now-a-days you always see people advertising to like them on facebook or follow them on twitter, so I decided to jump onto this social media bandwagon and create one for CUFI-MTSU. Right now I am the only one who has liked the page and joined the group, but I just created it a few hours ago and I am sure that word will spread one day to a high number. 

Well you should join us at

And you should like us on

I am so excited for our group to continue to grow and succeed!

Event Troubles and Success

My school is hosting two great speakers to give their political and biblical perspectives on why we should support Israel. We will have TN Senator Bill Ketron and a pastor from Nashville named Nevada Tall, Jr. This will be an amazing event! We are hoping to bring in all points of views and inform those without a view point so that they can create their own opinion. It will be a very fun and interesting event!  

Today and yesterday I handed out this flyer for about 3 hours each day. Since the event is tomorrow, advertising the few days ahead is crucial. I believe that if people at least know about it, then they might actually decide to come, but if people never know about it, then they can never decide if they want to come or not. Well, during these hours of passing flyers out I received some great feedback and some horrible feedback. With any current issue, I expected different opinions and viewpoints on the issue. Some people even wanted to donate to the cause because they will not be able to attend. Even some people were interested in joining. Well, the people who were less than happy to see this flyer might actually come to. I had one guy crumble the paper up and throw it at me while yelling something in a different language. I have thick skin and I anticipated negative feedback from some students. Overall, the hours I spent passing out these flyers and spreading the word about the organization on campus will pay off in the end. Even if I pass out 100 flyers to people not interested, that 101st person may want to learn more. It only takes changing one person's life to make a impact. 

Of course, I may not have all of my facts straight yet but at least I am trying to learn more about this very apparent and current issue in today's world. I have a great feeling about this even tomorrow. Although, I am still nervous that only 3 people will show up. A lot of people showed interest in this event so I can only wait and see if my hard work advertising pays off in the end. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Pray For Peace In The Middle-East And For Israel

Sometimes, I will hear something about Israel and a question will pop into my head. I definitely do not know all the facts yet about what is happening today in the Middle-East and a friend of mine said that there is always two sides to a story. She said that if I want to argue for one side and be reasonable and factual with my arguments supporting my side, then I must know the other side's viewpoint and why they believe that they are factual in their arguments supporting their side. This made me step back and go 'hmm.' I did not even think about that. I just listened to my side's facts and not the other. That was very foolish of me, and I know I am not alone. Both sides have people who refused to listen to the other side's story and that is a problem if we are all seeking peace. 

Well, one of the questions that popped in my head yesterday was about the truth of the Israeli soldiers at the borders guarding Israel from suicide bomber and snipers. Palestinians are accusing Israeli soldiers to torturing and killing innocent Palestine children around the border. This may be true because the Palestinians are setting up their missile offices in elementary schools or hospitals. I was confused at first why they would put all these innocent children in the danger zone, but soon I realized the truth. They surround themselves with children or the sick/elderly, because if Israel retaliates a missile sent from a kindergarten playground, then children die. This gives the Palestinians to strength to accuse Israel of killing innocent children for no reason. Therefore, Israel is being set up to look bad. This gives them the fuel to gain more Palestine people to hate Israel but it is with false and manipulative ways. Of course, I know war is never fair, but this just baffled me that Palestine would stoop so low as to willingly kill their own children. 

During my research on the truth of this issue at the borders, I came across hundreds of articles against Israeli soldiers from people here in America. They do not even know the truth!! They only know what their foreign friends are telling them. Well, I also found a video of an Israeli soldier at the border giving some children some food. The child hugs him and this made me remember that children do not hate until they are taught to hate. 

So, the lesson I learned was to always research both sides of the story before you create and opinion. Not everything you read is true or may be a deception of the truth so keep looking until you are completely positive on every angle of the topic. I now understand why the Palestinians hate Israel so much. Israel won land from a war many many years ago and Israel kept expanding, which shortened Palestine land. This, of course, angered them. Well, Israel has offered about 8 different peace treaties/agreements but they refused them all. 

Israel is not respected as a state even though it is a democracy just like the United States. When Israel builds walls around their borders to protect their state from bombers, they are criticized; but when the US builds walls separating us from Mexico, it is called our border lines. This is just one example of how Israel is not respected in the Middle-East, and everyone out there wants them gone. This is a scary fact to know. 

You can still be pro-Israel AND pro-Palestine. This just means you are pro-Peace! Pray for the peace in the Middle-East. 

I apologize for the long post, but it has been awhile since the last post.

Click Here to see the video of the Israeli soldier giving food to the Palestine children.

Thank you,
Ashley J

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why Israel?

Why is Israel so important?
At some point or another, this question will be asked of you if you support Israel.
We all have some tie to Israel, but here is just a list of a few fundamental reasons why modern Israel's existence is so important.

Biblical Heritage.

Millions of American Jews and Christians feel a deep religious connection to the land of Israel. The Bible is our evidence.

The Holocaust.

No one supports slaughtering people just for their religion. That is just horrible. This reminds me of how Christians are being killed in the Mid-east right now. It is a sad world when people kill groups based on their religion, sex, gender, etc.

Quest for Statehood.

The Jewish people established its first independent political entity in the land of Israel some 3,000 years ago, and has maintained a continuous presence there ever since. This is just phenomenal!

Israel Today.

Israel is a vibrant democracy that, like the United States, stands our as a leading force for good in the world. Israel's national revival enabled Jewish people to exercise their right to self-determination, with the commitment to ensure the rights of all Israeli citizens. They have the same morals for liberty and freedom as we do.

Israel's Achievements

By sharing its experience, technologies and know-how with others, Israel has improved the lives of millions of people worldwide. One astonishing creation by the Israeli people was the cardboard bike that can hold up to 400 pounds. This just amazes me the creativity and effort to create such a thing.

While I did not write all of these words, I wanted to share them with you. I felt that it was a great way to pass on the knowledge and spread some truth. I began to watch a movie on the journeys and triumphs of Israel throughout the years. The movie is called "Against All Odds" and it is remarkable. Some of the information I am gathering from it is great. I hunger for more knowledge and this is the perfect collection of information throughout this movie! I have only watched the first half, so I can only comment on that, but from just that little bit I would already recommend this movie to anyone interested in learning more.

Thank you for reading!
Ashley J

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Israel: Peace Throughout the Nations?

Israel and the United States are very similar in the way they run things and how they believe. Both are looking for a better society and democracy. Both allow immigrants into their countries with open arms. Both are fully committed to justice and liberty. This is what first drew the U.S. to siding with Israel in 1948. 

Although the U.S also sided with Arab countries a few years later, we still remain committed to Israel, we strive to create peace in the middle east.

I saw a funny story the other day about the a war in 1970 between Jordan and Syria. Well, the U.S. asked Israel to help side with Jordan against the Syrians attacking. Israel honored the U.S. by helping Jordan, but they never once shot from their jets. They only flied low enough to show the Syrian commandos the star of David on the wing of the plane. You see, the reason this scared the Syrians so much is because one year before this war Israel was attacked by surprised from the Soviets. Israel beat them, and this struck fear in all the Arab countries. No one saw Israel as a threat until they realized their strength that day in 1969. I just found it amazing that Israel honored the U.S. and our request, but they did not harm one person. That to me is a very respected thing to do!

Israel was never for war. They were for, and still are, for peace. There have been peace treaty attempts since 1937 and still going on today. They approach the Arab countries with treaties to keep everyone happy, but some turn up unsuccessful. Israel will not give up on peace throughout the nations. That is what I love most about Israel!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Focused Around Family and Peace

While I was reading my free Israel 101 eBook, I came across a paragraph in the beginning that pointed out the internal strength of Jewish culture. 

It read : [ "Jewish life centers around home and family. Jewish tradition sanctifies family relationships. Parents’ devotion and sense of responsibility for passing on Jewish identity have bound generations to the past while linking them to the future."] 

This hit me close to home (no pun intended.) I noticed that we should all center our lives around home and family. We should not get caught up on career or material things like tv, IPads, cell phones, etc. This tradition is a very strong one. It has bonded this religion together for over 3,000 years. They believe in the most important things in life : God and family. They have survived many battles and wars against them with this method of love and devotion. How amazing is that? I do not know about you, but that made my jaw drop and say "Wow" when I read it. OK, maybe my mouth did not literally drop, but you have to admit this is pretty magnificent. To think a religion could survive such hate with so much love is almost unheard of now-a-days. Today countries fight with weapons, but the Jewish community always fought with love and compassion. 

I heard someone say once that you cannot fight darkness with more darkness. Only light will overcome darkness. This is so true to me, and I believe that the Jewish families agree with that!

I included a picture of a Jewish family during a boy's bar mitzvah. The family affection is definitely apparent in this one photo! We all need to strive to be this close with our family! It is sad when you only see family at funerals now-a-days. It hurts my heart that this is now the case for most American families. Let's change that. I challenge you to contact your relatives and organize a reunion or just a fun family bonding time/party. 
Thank you for reading!
Ashley J
photo rights go to

Friday, January 31, 2014

Faith Complete

The official definition of the word faith is "complete trust or confidence in someone or something." 

Let that sink in for just one second. Faith= COMPLETE trust or confidence. 
Faith is not just half confidence. 

My faith in God and his plan is so complete to me! I am an extremely shy person when you first meet me, but I believe with my whole heart that I have complete confidence in my Lord. I will stand up for Him and his plan, no matter what that calls me to do. 

"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent,
for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, 
till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, 
her salvation like a blazing torch." 
-Isaiah 62:1

"I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse; 
and all peoples on earth 
will be blessed through you."
-Genesis 12: 1-3

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
they shall prosper that love thee."
-Psalms 122: 6

Get involved and Sign the Pledge! Show your Faith in God! Just Click HERE and put in your name and email address. That is all you have to do! Also, I got a free ebook about Israel so that I can be more informed. You may do this as well! 

Prayers for Peace.....Sad Day!

Thursday night, January 30, 2014, the southern area of Israel was hit by a rocket fired from Gaza. It hit outside the city of Netivot, Israel. Thankfully, there were no injuries or damages. The Israel Defense Forces retaliated Friday morning, January 31, 2014. They sent airlifts to strike a terrorist weapon manufacturing facility. There were no injuries reported from the retaliation. We are lucky that the rocket hit on the outskirts of the city in a random field, because this city is home to 26,000 people. It is sad that we are allies to Israel, but this news will not even be covered in American news. Please spread the word and continue the prayers for peace!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Upcoming Fun at my College

My friends and I finally got the letter from school that our CUFI organization is approved! Most people do not realize that some colleges make it near impossible for CUFI members to create their organization. These school normally already have staff and other organizations against the CUFI belief. You can imagine that controversy is not easy to overcome or stick strong against. Fortunately, my school is not demographically divided to the extent that we were faced with controversy whilst presenting our request for the CUFI on Campus organization to the education board. 

Now that we are an official organization, we can have meetings and events related to my college. In February we are hosting a movie night. This movie is an informative and fun way to relate the information out to the public and fellow classmates about the facts behind supporting Israel! I have realized that most people who shy away from our group only do so because they do not know the facts enough to form an opinion. This is how I once was, and I my knowledge is growing every day! 

Another exciting event we have planned on campus is our Senate as a speaker in March. The movie in February will give the biblical and factual background on supporting Israel, while having the Senate as a speaker in March will give us the political aspect of it. This will give us a wide range of audience to educate, and hopefully we will gain some supporters or members after these events.

Those are the exciting events we have planned for now, but I am sure we will be adding more since we are finally official.

Political Connections

Today, I asked myself how did America get so close to Israel? Where did our relationship begin? I did some research about this by just going to and searching "Israel's relation with US beginnings." I found some interesting articles on it. Now, keep in mind that I am only 19 years old, and I have not formed my political opinion yet. So, if the article had some basis in its' contents, then I moved on to the next article. The first article I opened up was against Israel, and I was not about to read that since I know I am not against them. 

Here is a timeline of some random facts about our relationship with Israel. I am paraphrasing to make it easier to understand. This is what I gathered from the information. Also, remember that I do not know the politically correct terms for some of these phrases, so bare with me.

- 1917 : The British Government controls Palestine. This is the area that the Jews agreed to create Israel at. The English support the Jewish groundwork for their creation of a nation that they later call Israel. The U.S. support of Israel began even before they were born.

-1948 : This was the year that Israel was born. They fought their Arab neighbors and won. The United States was the first country to notice Israel as a part of the United Nations. 

- 1973 : Israel lost land that they won in a war in 1967 against Egypt and Syria. Israel struggles, and the United States send over weapons and airlifts that help them defend their land.The United States did not support violence, but they supported Israel because of their values. Israel formed to create peace among the nations

A few President quotes :

[ "I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have faith in it now," President Harry Truman said on May 26, 1952. "I believe it has a glorious future before it --- not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization." ]

[ John F. Kennedy declared: "This nation, from the time of President Woodrow Wilson, has established and continued a tradition of friendship with Israel because we are committed to all free societies that seek a path to peach and honor individual right. In the prophetic spirit of Zionism all free men today look to a better world and in the experience of Zionism we know that it takes courage and perseverance and dedication to achieve it."  ]

[  Lyndon Johnson said, "The United States and Israel share many common objectives...chief of which is the building of a better world in which every nation can develop its resources and develop them in freedom and peace."  ]

I copied these quotes exactly from , because I saw how important every word was in each quote. I could not change that!

Anyway, if I have any of my facts wrong or I forgot an important part, then please feel free to comment and correct me. I only put a tiny bit of information for now; there will be more to come!

Thank you for reading!
Ashley J

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Biblical Backup

I have struggled researching some biblical aspects that connect Israel to God's word. I searched on the website and found a list of biblical facts. One fact really opened my eyes more on how it all connects. I see that we should support the family of Jesus, this includes all the Jewish people! I copied this fact from . Enjoy! I hope this reaches out to you like it did me ; if not this one, then maybe another from their list!

While some Christians try to deny the connection between Jesus of Nazareth and the 
Jews of the world, Jesus never denied his Jewishness. He was born Jewish, He was 
circumcised on the eighth day in keeping with Jewish tradition, He had his Bar Mitzvah 
on his 13th birthday, He kept the law of Moses, He wore the Prayer Shawl Moses 
commanded all Jewish men to wear, He died on a cross with an inscription over His head, 
"King of the Jews!" 

Jesus considered the Jewish people His family. Jesus said (Matthew 25:40) "Verily I 
say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren 
(the Jewish people… Gentiles were never called His brethren), ye have done it unto me." 

Just A Beginning

Recently, I have been invited to join this group of Christians who are working together to support Israel. I do not have much concrete knowledge on the topic yet, but I hunger to learn more. I have watched YouTube videos about their conferences held in D.C. or San Antonio. Also, I am working hard to create CUFI On Campus at my college.

This semester I am taking an American Government class, and we must choose a topic/policy to research and relate to every lesson. I chose our foreign policy with Israel. This will help give me the political viewpoint of CUFI, and I hope to learn the biblical viewpoint soon with my group or at one of the conferences.

This blog is to journal through this journey with me. Hopefully, this will relate to a lot of people, and I just hope to spread information to those who may not know. You can form your own opinion, but you cannot form one if you do not have all the facts. I am here to help.

Thank you for reading.

Ashley J