Make A Difference!

Make A Difference!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Political Connections

Today, I asked myself how did America get so close to Israel? Where did our relationship begin? I did some research about this by just going to and searching "Israel's relation with US beginnings." I found some interesting articles on it. Now, keep in mind that I am only 19 years old, and I have not formed my political opinion yet. So, if the article had some basis in its' contents, then I moved on to the next article. The first article I opened up was against Israel, and I was not about to read that since I know I am not against them. 

Here is a timeline of some random facts about our relationship with Israel. I am paraphrasing to make it easier to understand. This is what I gathered from the information. Also, remember that I do not know the politically correct terms for some of these phrases, so bare with me.

- 1917 : The British Government controls Palestine. This is the area that the Jews agreed to create Israel at. The English support the Jewish groundwork for their creation of a nation that they later call Israel. The U.S. support of Israel began even before they were born.

-1948 : This was the year that Israel was born. They fought their Arab neighbors and won. The United States was the first country to notice Israel as a part of the United Nations. 

- 1973 : Israel lost land that they won in a war in 1967 against Egypt and Syria. Israel struggles, and the United States send over weapons and airlifts that help them defend their land.The United States did not support violence, but they supported Israel because of their values. Israel formed to create peace among the nations

A few President quotes :

[ "I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have faith in it now," President Harry Truman said on May 26, 1952. "I believe it has a glorious future before it --- not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization." ]

[ John F. Kennedy declared: "This nation, from the time of President Woodrow Wilson, has established and continued a tradition of friendship with Israel because we are committed to all free societies that seek a path to peach and honor individual right. In the prophetic spirit of Zionism all free men today look to a better world and in the experience of Zionism we know that it takes courage and perseverance and dedication to achieve it."  ]

[  Lyndon Johnson said, "The United States and Israel share many common objectives...chief of which is the building of a better world in which every nation can develop its resources and develop them in freedom and peace."  ]

I copied these quotes exactly from , because I saw how important every word was in each quote. I could not change that!

Anyway, if I have any of my facts wrong or I forgot an important part, then please feel free to comment and correct me. I only put a tiny bit of information for now; there will be more to come!

Thank you for reading!
Ashley J

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