My school is hosting two great speakers to give their political and biblical perspectives on why we should support Israel. We will have TN Senator Bill Ketron and a pastor from Nashville named Nevada Tall, Jr. This will be an amazing event! We are hoping to bring in all points of views and inform those without a view point so that they can create their own opinion. It will be a very fun and interesting event!
Today and yesterday I handed out this flyer for about 3 hours each day. Since the event is tomorrow, advertising the few days ahead is crucial. I believe that if people at least know about it, then they might actually decide to come, but if people never know about it, then they can never decide if they want to come or not. Well, during these hours of passing flyers out I received some great feedback and some horrible feedback. With any current issue, I expected different opinions and viewpoints on the issue. Some people even wanted to donate to the cause because they will not be able to attend. Even some people were interested in joining. Well, the people who were less than happy to see this flyer might actually come to. I had one guy crumble the paper up and throw it at me while yelling something in a different language. I have thick skin and I anticipated negative feedback from some students. Overall, the hours I spent passing out these flyers and spreading the word about the organization on campus will pay off in the end. Even if I pass out 100 flyers to people not interested, that 101st person may want to learn more. It only takes changing one person's life to make a impact.
Of course, I may not have all of my facts straight yet but at least I am trying to learn more about this very apparent and current issue in today's world. I have a great feeling about this even tomorrow. Although, I am still nervous that only 3 people will show up. A lot of people showed interest in this event so I can only wait and see if my hard work advertising pays off in the end.
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